Harrison Assessments - Psychometric Solutions

Bluarrows have partnered with Harrison Assessments to provide the best psychometric analytic solutions in achieving the optimal human capital for companies. 

Harrison Assessments is the World’s Most Technologically Advanced & Comprehensive Talent Assessment Platform, with solutions in the ENTIRE HR CYCLE, including talent planning, talent identification, recruitment, selection, on-boarding, team constitution, appraisal, Hi Potential assessment, L&D, succession planning, career management, executive coaching, whole life profile, leadership development, employee engagement, retention analysis, culture analysis, top performer bench-marking, etc. Span of HA's talent assessment & related consulting solutions is literally vast, comprehensive, bleeding edge & has undergone scientific validations over 30+ yrs. 

HA's clients include many of the Fortune 5000 cos, top 100 universities in 60+ countries.

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